This Intentional Life

Comfy, Cozy Couch

It’s tough to anticipate how our day-to-day will be once we’re underway but I can’t stop thinking that I am really going to miss having a couch.

I mean, I know I am going to miss hot showers but it doesn’t bother me really; I know there will be showers and sometimes they might be warm.

But at the end of the day, I retire to the couch.  When I am sleepy and seeking a nap, I can be found on the couch.  When I am grumpy and need a break, it’s off to the couch for a bit.  It’s my comfort spot, it cradles me and soothes my nerves.  It’s where I cuddle with my honey, my head perched on his lap, my body curled into a blanket.  I eat breakfast here while I catch up with my friends on FB, I eat dinner here while catching up with the world news, I FaceTime with my nieces from here – by my use of the word ‘here’ you can probably guess where my ass is parked right now.

No, I don’t know what our daily life will be like; I cannot anticipate what I will miss from this life or what I’ll be happy to be rid of.  But I can’t stop thinking that I’ll miss a couch the most.


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